457 Visa’s this election year – what you need to know

During the previous Australian Liberal government, the 457 visa scheme blossomed and was widened to allow more low and semi-skilled workers to enter Australia. After a number of stories in the media were released of exploited overseas workers this schema became a political issue.

The new Labour government (which currently hold power) changed the 457 visa rules, making it more focused on highly skilled professions only. Even with these more stricter rules the number of 457 visa applications have continues to increase.


On the 30th of November 2013 the next Australian election is due. It widely expected by pollsters that Liberals will gain power. This has raised the question “what does this mean for the 457 visa rules in the future”? Already the Liberal party has indicated that in the north of Australia that they considering loosening the rules as they had in the past through a deregulated zone in Australia’s north. This is the first time in 2013 that the topic 457 visa has been discussed and its expected this debate will continue between both parties.

Overall, whichever party wins the election it’s expected that 457 visa conditions won’t become tougher and if anything could become easier for those wishing to work in Australia. The only exception would be if unemployment increases as history has shown that tighter labour markets lead to reduced skilled migration.