Categories: 457 Visa Blog

Does Australia Want ‘Family’ 457 Visa Applicants?


Its widely accept that Australia was built on the back of migration from the ‘gold rush’ through to building of the snowy hydro scheme. While some individuals may feel migration to Australia has slowed down the Australia Bureau Of Statistics graph below highlights otherwise with visitor arrivals at record numbers.

What has led to many feeling that migration levels would be dropping or that Australia is less keen for skilled labour has been some sharp increases in application fees. In fact, an earlier 457 visa comparison infographic showed that 457 visa application price rose by over 4 times for some applicants. This was followed up by further price rises in September making the increases over the past 12 months the highest in the history of the Australian skilled migration scheme.

While prices have increased for all applicants its important that we look at the increases by different situations:

  • Individual application = Before 1st July $455 = Now $1,035 (227% increase)
  • Couples application = Before 1st July $455 = $2,070 (455% increase)
  • Family of 4 application = Before 1st July $455 = $2,850 (626% increase)

What the above increase highlight is the government has moved towards focusing on individuals coming to Australia and less on couples or families which now have to page over six times to enter Australia. There are other costs for families as well such as new legislation which sees 457 visa holders having to pay their children’s school fees in WA. 457 Visa Health Insurance is also significantly more expensive for families with our singles 457 health insurance comparison table showing that the price of compulsory insurance is 250% less then family health insurance.

So taking this all into consideration this author believes that Australia is keen to attract singles to Australia who meet the 457 visa requirements set. Those that bring their partner now need to pay double which may be related to the fact that the spouse/de-facto does not need to meet the skill requirements (although other elements such as criminal records must be met). As such the partners in some cases will not bring the to Australia the kills sort after. Then there are children that some application holder bring. These visa holders will require a higher level of public services such a schooling which may be why additional costs are now applied per child. Australia has therefore gone towards a model that may still want all types of skilled migrants but is not willing to subsidies the cost of applications for those who will bring fewer benefits for the Australian economy.